This page is our main auction directory where we will be adding links to category directories for all our auctions. Simply click a link for a category to see the individual auction listings for items contained therein. Current directory links are at the bottom of this page. Each directory will be set up with the name of the category followed by banners of all the auction servers used by our members. Each banner will take you to the main page of that server. Following the banners will be a hit counter, and links to our important RMG web pages, which will then be followed by the individual auction listings.
I have changed the auction listings to remove the date and time the auction is running to make it quicker and easier for me to update. Now they will only be listed as "Current" or "Ended." Current auctions are ones that are active and bids may be placed. Ended auctions are ones that have ended without any winning bidders. Auctions that have ended with bidders will still have the red updates in the listing.
As you can see, each of these auctions has the title first, which links to the auction page for that item, which is followed by the item/lot number of the item. Below that will be the current status of the auction - active, ended (no winner), or sold (ended with winner) with payment/shipping status. Next is a link to a form where you can contact me about auction items. The server name where the item is being sold finishes the listing.
Ended auctions without a payment or shipping status had no winning bidders and may still be available - use the contact form to inquire about the item.